Ways to get notified of new form submissions

You have created your own website and, of course, you didn’t forget to add a contact form to it. So now, you are ready to receive lots of submissions from your leads. And this is the moment you start wondering what the best way to receive contact form submissions is and how not to miss your potential client. Maybe the first thing that comes to your mind is email. Yes, it is a pretty classical way, but we receive spam and other not related email every day, so our email box may become messy. Also, you have to check your email box regularly, which is not convenient, especially after working hours or when you are on a go, and certainly not the best choice when you should be fast with the reply. Moreover, I guess, the situation, when you have missed an email, happened to all of us and you don’t what it to be from your lead, right?
So what to choose? I would recommend you using two ways of receiving your contact form submissions – CRM and a messenger bot. Just to be on the safe side.
The last-mentioned way has several advantages, such as:
- It is easier to call back from Telegram since the phone number comes directly with a link. All you need to do is to click, and you are already calling the customer, in a minute or even earlier, as soon as the submission is received.
- The thing that is next to us 24/7 is our phone. And what we mostly do with it is checking our messengers. So why not receive your submissions directly to a messenger?
- Some people don’t like bots because they don’t know how to arrange the submissions. But what if I tell you that with form2chat.io you can decide what information to receive, to which chat, and even create a group with other colleagues.
Ok, so maybe now you’re asking yourself how to create a Telegram (or Viber, Slack, Zapier, or any other messenger) bot.
The first way is to do it by yourself. You can spend hours learning how to register the bot, how to receive a token, how to get chat_id, how to write a form code, how to make a server to send the message, and then most likely you will face some troubles.
But why reinvent the wheel when there is form2chat.io? This is a service for a form backend that costs nothing for you to try. And it takes only one minute to set up the integration. Do you think it’s too good to be true? Check it up here and tell us what you think.